Bosch Car Service (BCS) Contest Promo Posters​​​​​​​
In terms of the internal clients for whom I was designing, you can't get much different than Bosch and Live Nation Motorsports (keep scrolling for samples). But ultimately the goals or the projects were the same: Grab the viewers' attention and deliver a message that spurs action. In the BCS posters, the contest were presented to two audiences: high school students who drove cars, and the BCS technicians who serviced those vehicles. The top portion of the posters reflected the specific audience and location where it would be displayed, while maintaining a cohesive look and feel to the promotion.
Motorcycle Live Event Posters
Marketing and promoting live events has been a significant part of my career. As the Senior Graphic Designer, I lead the yearly campaigns that were associated with the racing/touring season of FMX Freestyle Motocross and CCS Championship Cup Series Racing. I also contributed to design efforts of other touring events. Typically, our team of motion and web designers would then take the graphic direction set by the print designers, and carry the themes through the other media, allowing us to have true ownership of those campaigns. Probably the biggest challenge to overcome was conveying the sense of motion, speed, elevation and physical risk to the athletes, within a still image. The use of dynamic photography, bold colors and exaggerated perspective was my baseline approach.  

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